For life you of me I don’t understand why anyone thinks they won’t cheat. They did it before, they’ll do it again.

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They've made it clear that they're somehow morally obligated to do whatever it takes to keep Trump out of office. Using the words Nazi and fascist nine million times didn't do the trick. I don't like to use the word they. I don't know who exactly they are except for Nancy Pelosi. Marshall was brilliant in exposing her lust for power. The Dems have the money and the military on their side. It's not good.

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They are bringing in the illegals (primarily young, military age men) to enlist them into the military when they declare Martial Law. The illegals will have no issue with murdering American citizens; have no loyalty to our country. It is TREASON at the highest level.

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The Center for Renewing America has published Jeffrey Clark's discussion on the Pentagon's Directive 5240.0` that allows secret use of the military, turning intelligence inwards on the American people:


we should all be alarmed!

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I believe that they understand this; the fight that Trump put up to show Dems stole the last election has made the public immune to cries of election stealing. It appeared to be hot air and bubbles. Now the GOP will look like 'the boy who cried wolf'. They have literally set it up to give Dems a free path to cheat massively. The scene is set...

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