You were brilliant Winston. It seemed a tad David and Goliath to me and you nailed it. Her arrogance...

I lived in San Francisco in the 1990s and she was something of a saviour figure to us then. Watching this - I'm so sad at who she is now... Who does she thing she is? And so rude to you! Bravo on keeping your cool. And on looking so terribly dapper ;)

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Winston, you were brilliant as I we all knew you would.

People like her, consider the "public" beneath them, and what they do, for their own good... It's how it's done, it's how it's always been done.

Untill it wasn't.

As long as we have people like you as an example, there will be " untill it wasn't".

Well done sir.

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Nancy P is so out of touch with how the average American lives, she is completely clueless! She was so rude to you. I believe because you were so prepared, had your “ducks in a row” and were so well spoken. You did great! I’m looking forward to your new interviews on your show.

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Well done and on target. Amr Australia

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This was excellent.

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Well done!!! Keep up the great work!

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Gutsy - taking on elites with their ultimate personification - the beauty of it was that every time she tried to talk over you - she kind of made your point - love it

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Watch your back! Pelosi will “Hillary” you….:.:

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How does a media producer who books guests get in touch with you?

Livestream hosted by a well-known physician in the US...Rumble mostly.

I'm triaging you to the top of my list! Thank you, Emily Barsh @emilytvproducer on X

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I won’t watch the debate because I couldn’t listen to someone as delusional and odious as Pelosci. You should have asked her for some investment advice…

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I have been fighting the corruption of Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco where her nephew Laurence Pelosi who is the first cousin of Governor Gavin Newsom acquired the exclusive contracts to develop closed Navy bases in the United States, all of them while he was Vice President in Charge of Naval Bases at Lennar Builders which is now called 5 Points.

Treasure Island Navy Base in San Francisco Bay was the Navy's Chemical, Biological and Radiological Training Base where they trained Instructors who would then conduct the training on their Ships and Bases worldwide.

Gavin Newsom as Mayor of San Francisco placed low income housing on the base and the people have died, children have died and the city is still placing people on the island to this day.

The coalition of the victims is in the process of suing the officials but we are in a terrible situation where the politicians are rewarding their favorites with contracts to build on the island and the city hall is so corrupt that if you testify against the process, they change and edit the testimony where your words praise the effort. The only way to prove this is to look at the transcripts and compare it to the live audio of the hearings.

I was brought on board as I have been investigating the contamination of my home town where two companies US Radium and Westinghouse dumped their nuclear waste in what became the southern part of my town and under our little league fields. Westinghouse processed Uranium for the Manhattan project and the contamination killed my mother, my sister in law and my friends are dying to this day.

50 years of figuring out what happened to us even though we had an EPA Superfund site, the government failed to mention the companies involved, to protect them from the victims.

Thsi made me the perfect instrument to finding the navy records where not only did they advertise their courses on chemical weapons in all Navy Publications, the Bureau of Yards and Docks published the training manuals that detail exactly how they did with step by step instructions on detonating flasks of Mustard Gas, Lewisite, Sarin Nerve Gas and dozens of other chemical weapons but they include pictures of it happening on the base.

The Bureau of Yards and Docks is now called NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command and they are denying that any of this every happened.

In 2014 they conducted a radiological survey of the apartments of Treasure Island and listed the radiation exposure for 3 hours a day for a year in order to claim to the residents that it is safe, failing to mention the 3 hours of exposure when they were supposed to calculate it to 24 hours.

The Navy has found 1280 radiological objects under the housing and continue to find them to this day.

The city has a deal whereby the city pays for the cleanup of the site and so Nancy Pelosi and her family will clean up on the real estate development and kill the people who chose to live there.

That is what Nancy Pelosi is, she is a mass murderer.

I documented this on my website thttps://treasureislandcalifornia (dot) wordpress ( dot) com

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The new Gilded Age! Worse than the first one. What will it take? Another war? And that shrill Nancy, I know where she belongs. But she won’t last forever and she and I will die, and she is Catholic ain’t she? Maybe she burn in hell for all eternity!

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