No, we should NOT have supported Ukraine in this war! Our spy agencies caused this war, by mucking around & starting the Maidan coup, in order to topple a "democratically elected" dude who didn't play nice with the CIA. Our warmongering leaders exhibit no concern for the suffering of the Ukrainian people, or for the grieving relatives of more than half a million dead. Lindsey Graham just giggles and gloats over the fact that it isn't taking American lives.
We are being ruled by evil tyrants, & there doesn't seem to be any way out of this mess.
I would love for any Democrat to explain to me how it's okay for their party to continually rig elections.
I'd like to hear their explanation for why Dems consistently oppose any & all efforts to ensure election integrity -- as a bloc . Just don't try the same tired argument y'all were using 15 years ago, that black people & brown people are somehow too inept to obtain photo ID, & how dare we ask them to prove who they are when they show up to vote, because that makes them feel so oppressed.
I never hear any Democrat, elected or otherwise, denounce vote fraud. All they do is deny it, vote against cleaning up voter rolls, & scream RACISM! at the mere suggestion of asking for photo ID.
I'd be embarrassed if the only way my party could win was by cheating, but then I actually have integrity.
I have no doubt that the next election will be rigged; they have rigged the last 2 elections here. This time will be even easier for them, because Biden's open borders have admitted more than 9 million "newcomers," all of whom are being registered to vote (despite the troubling fact that they aren't yet citizens). Ballots will be issued in all their names, & who do you think will be filling those out & depositing them in those ballot drop boxes in major US cities?
Brilliant. Wish it went on for another 2 hours.
No, we should NOT have supported Ukraine in this war! Our spy agencies caused this war, by mucking around & starting the Maidan coup, in order to topple a "democratically elected" dude who didn't play nice with the CIA. Our warmongering leaders exhibit no concern for the suffering of the Ukrainian people, or for the grieving relatives of more than half a million dead. Lindsey Graham just giggles and gloats over the fact that it isn't taking American lives.
We are being ruled by evil tyrants, & there doesn't seem to be any way out of this mess.
I would love for any Democrat to explain to me how it's okay for their party to continually rig elections.
I'd like to hear their explanation for why Dems consistently oppose any & all efforts to ensure election integrity -- as a bloc . Just don't try the same tired argument y'all were using 15 years ago, that black people & brown people are somehow too inept to obtain photo ID, & how dare we ask them to prove who they are when they show up to vote, because that makes them feel so oppressed.
I never hear any Democrat, elected or otherwise, denounce vote fraud. All they do is deny it, vote against cleaning up voter rolls, & scream RACISM! at the mere suggestion of asking for photo ID.
I'd be embarrassed if the only way my party could win was by cheating, but then I actually have integrity.
I have no doubt that the next election will be rigged; they have rigged the last 2 elections here. This time will be even easier for them, because Biden's open borders have admitted more than 9 million "newcomers," all of whom are being registered to vote (despite the troubling fact that they aren't yet citizens). Ballots will be issued in all their names, & who do you think will be filling those out & depositing them in those ballot drop boxes in major US cities?
Fantastic! Loved your questions, hated Mike's answers (because they scared the crap out of me.)
You mentioned that you thought Pelosi was sincerely seeking democracy. "Come on, man!"
The only thing Pelosi is sincerely seeking is more power & wealth.