It is indeed difficult to believe the stark revelations of the last three months. For a long time I have been aware of the general lack of any knowledge of history, but I thought that people knew of the Holocaust, if nothing else (and certainly not any knowledge of communism's staggering misery-index). But 'at least', I thought, they know about the Shoah. But in fact many don't, or (much worse) they know the facts but somehow find it within themselves to downplay or repudiate them as many have shown they are are quite ready to do with the events of October the 7th. Our society needs a major overhaul. Education is the area in most dire need of an Augean stable clearout. All of the cultural Marxist bullshit needs to be hosed out. That would be a start.
Pray Winston, fast and pray. 2 chronicles 7:14. If my people, who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
I and others have been fasting and praying regularly since COVID and we believe the things brought to light are being exposed by god. We must pray. All hope is not lost, courage, strength, love, truth, justice, righteous will prevail
Jews invented the concept of blaming whites for "whiteness" and "privilege" (look up Noel Ignatiev), and now they're flabbergasted when the monster they created came for them since the multiracial hordes they imported understand who really is in control.
When you say “Jews invented” your saying that one Jew - or a couple of Jews who invented a concept represent or speak for the entire race. You would never do that about another would never say a white or Asian person invented this thing and therefore “the whites or asians ” created this.
Zionist Jews had no problem pulling out all the stops to end criticism of Israel when it occurred on university campuses. I can give you a list of names. Not just one.
Antiwhite discussion spread for years on university campuses. It's not just one Jew, like Noel Ignatiev. I can give you a list of names.
This proliferated for decades, and it reached a fever pitch during BLM mania. That's when Claudine Gay was hired at Harvard. Not a single Jew stepped in to stop it because it benefitted them. Bill Ackman admitted as much.
When the monster came for them, then it was a different story. It's not just one or two. This is an amazingly influential, obscenely rich group of Jews that run that institution, which in turn filters out elitist leaders. Larry Summers, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Epstein (well not anymore lol, but they kept his Mossad money), Alan Dershowitz, Steven Pinker, Len Blavatnik...I could go on.
So, no. You're wrong. And now Alan Garber, a Zionist Jew, is the interim president and he will shut down criticism of Israel because that is what the goal is. White people couldn't accomplish something like that if they dreamed it. Because white people don't run Harvard.
That is the truth. You can't say "you wouldn't say that about another race!" I would if it's true. But the true statement is that Zionist Jews run Harvard and they benefitted form antiwhite sentiment. Fact.
It is indeed difficult to believe the stark revelations of the last three months. For a long time I have been aware of the general lack of any knowledge of history, but I thought that people knew of the Holocaust, if nothing else (and certainly not any knowledge of communism's staggering misery-index). But 'at least', I thought, they know about the Shoah. But in fact many don't, or (much worse) they know the facts but somehow find it within themselves to downplay or repudiate them as many have shown they are are quite ready to do with the events of October the 7th. Our society needs a major overhaul. Education is the area in most dire need of an Augean stable clearout. All of the cultural Marxist bullshit needs to be hosed out. That would be a start.
Yes yes
Pray Winston, fast and pray. 2 chronicles 7:14. If my people, who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
I and others have been fasting and praying regularly since COVID and we believe the things brought to light are being exposed by god. We must pray. All hope is not lost, courage, strength, love, truth, justice, righteous will prevail
The trajectory of your career is fascinating. Also Psalm 73 is the only way I can process any of this.
Jews invented the concept of blaming whites for "whiteness" and "privilege" (look up Noel Ignatiev), and now they're flabbergasted when the monster they created came for them since the multiracial hordes they imported understand who really is in control.
This isn't going to end well.
When you say “Jews invented” your saying that one Jew - or a couple of Jews who invented a concept represent or speak for the entire race. You would never do that about another would never say a white or Asian person invented this thing and therefore “the whites or asians ” created this.
Zionist Jews had no problem pulling out all the stops to end criticism of Israel when it occurred on university campuses. I can give you a list of names. Not just one.
Antiwhite discussion spread for years on university campuses. It's not just one Jew, like Noel Ignatiev. I can give you a list of names.
This proliferated for decades, and it reached a fever pitch during BLM mania. That's when Claudine Gay was hired at Harvard. Not a single Jew stepped in to stop it because it benefitted them. Bill Ackman admitted as much.
When the monster came for them, then it was a different story. It's not just one or two. This is an amazingly influential, obscenely rich group of Jews that run that institution, which in turn filters out elitist leaders. Larry Summers, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Epstein (well not anymore lol, but they kept his Mossad money), Alan Dershowitz, Steven Pinker, Len Blavatnik...I could go on.
So, no. You're wrong. And now Alan Garber, a Zionist Jew, is the interim president and he will shut down criticism of Israel because that is what the goal is. White people couldn't accomplish something like that if they dreamed it. Because white people don't run Harvard.
That is the truth. You can't say "you wouldn't say that about another race!" I would if it's true. But the true statement is that Zionist Jews run Harvard and they benefitted form antiwhite sentiment. Fact.