South African Musk refers to himself as an "African American". That also winds them up!

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Spot on. Elon and Trump are the only people with f you money who are willing to say f you. The debate Elon had with fellow billionaire tech mogul Vinod Khosla highlights the contrast between NPCs with TDS and rational arguments: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/elon-vinod-twitter-debate-reason-demoralized-person

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Perhaps the Left is simply venting its prejudice against successful African-Americans

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Boycotts from those on the left don’t really work .They tend not to be the ones spending most money .It also stimulates a reaction from those on the right to support the company being boycotted even more .

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Brilliant! Loved this!

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Excellent Winston!

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I strongly disagree. It feels like you haven't spoke to anyone who dislikes musk, and are basing this entirely on nut-picking (aka, looking at Keith Olbermann and taking that as the main example of people who don't like Musk). I'd be happy to have a conversation if you want, but i'll post a shorter thesis here.

As a Twitter user, I can tell you so many valid reasons why Musks' formerly stellar reputation has been in the toilet over the past 6 months. After unbanning some lovely antisemites like Milo Yianoupolos, Andrew Tate, Kanye West, and others, truly repellant and racist tweets have thrived and rewarded by the algorithm. His arbitrary change to twitter verification has made it so that people can pay for algorithm preference, meaning those with the least to say, those with no substance and only hatred can get first spot in the comments. Its made public conversations in that space truly foul, and I have personally seen so much more racism on Twitter since he took over.

But it isn't just these executive decisions that have degraded the experience, its Musk himself. He often elevates truly awful conspiracy theories, lies, hatred, and right-wing content from the farthest reaches of decency. Libs of TikTok, Wall Street Silver, and retweeting posts from Tenet media around 80 times. (these are those right wingers duped by russian misinformation operatives). Why wouldn't most Americans be concerned about that? This is no laughing matter... Musk has a massive audience. He has every right to express his preferences, but he is childlike and irresponsible with the conspiracies he promotes.

Very recently, he posted: "No one is even trying to assassinate Kamala... hmmm" which resulted in a secret service visit and him deleting the post, claiming it was a joke. Ya know, I don't think you need to be Keith Olbermann to object to a defense contracter openly tweeting to millions about what a shame it is that there haven't been assassination attempts on a candidate for president. This is not derangement, Mr. Marshall. (Reality check: There have been, but they've been stopped by law enforcement.)

And yes, some of the reason I dislike Musk, someone I used to admire, has to do with his support of a candidate who is wildly authoritarian, unprincipled, racist, and using truly awful rhetoric to demonize immigrants. Trump recently said, of immigrants, that they will "walk into your kitchen and murder you." He compares Springfield and Aurora to warzones, even though they are perfectly normal communities where life continues... oh, except for the bomb threats to elementary schools by his supporters, so galvanized against Haitians. He gleefully spreads lies about these people who are hardworking, legal residents who by all accounts are upstanding community members. Elon, who is an immigrant himself, ought to know better. He ought to have some modicum of principles.

Maybe, just maybe, what you see as "derangement" is actually just familiarity with what Elon's public behavior has been like lately. He has been unhinged, idiotic in his leadership of twitter, decision after decision degrading the user experience and transgressing the "neutrality" he claimed Twitter must have in order to succeed. He has reposted complete lies, elevated right wing liars, and driven the public conversation into the mud. He has been an embarrassment, a security risk, and sanitized the most dangerous candidate we've ever seen in our elections.

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Thank you so much for providing a textbook example of Musk Derangement Syndrome.

(Did Winston pay you for this post?)


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Nice to see Winston's audience is A-OK with antisemetism, conspiracies, and racism! :)

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You are adorable!

Who says any of us is okay with "antisemitism, conspiracies, & racism"?

Only you, that's who!

Our failure to agree wholeheartedly with your rant means none of these things; it simply means we don't agree with you.

Stop complicating things & you'll be a much happier person.

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Hey look. I strive to have more productive conversations, and sorry for that reply. It wasn't in keeping with my own personal standards.

But honestly, being called deranged for caring about things like Trumps constant lying, fearmongering around immigrants, or Elon's indifference to rampant antisemitism truly bugs me.

Its normal to not to want those things to be a constant facet of american life, isn't it? Why does that necessitate me being "deranged"?

Why can't it be that I am a thoughtful, independent person who sees a different set of dangers than you?

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If posts on X offend you, don't follow those making the posts.

You have no right to demand that others can't see those posts.

I read that Tayor Lorenz is joining Substack. Am I going to waste time trolling her scribblings? Heck no! I may be retired, but I still have a life.

Just ignore the stuff you don't like & get on with your life, Phil.

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But, I'm not at all demanding that people can't see those posts, or that people shouldn't be allowed to post them.

I'm saying that there is an algorithm that rewards posts which are repellant, untruthful, and deliberately misleading. If you're the CEO of a public platform like twitter, and your algorithm is pushing this stuff out based on pay-to-play, that's irresponsible.

I care about how public conversations go. I want Americans to have a public square where we can productively discuss issues of the day. That's increasingly impossible on Twitter due to direct changes that Musk has made to the platform.

There's more to free speech than just "don't look at it if you don't like it." That's such an overly simplified view.

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literally demonstrating every falsehood peddled by the controlled DS. Musk is compromised and still shadow bans anything from free-speech platform Brighteon. Here's a little folk wisdom for troubled minds:

"any day now the good billionaire will save me from his evil friends"

"an armed society is a polite society"

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How can Milo be an antisemite? He's half Jewish.

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I was thinking of Nick Fuentes, my bad... but its also very possible to be half jewish and antisemetic.

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Of course it is. . .

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I'm fully serious. Do you know how often right wing politicians who are against homosexuality are discovered to be engaging in sex with other men? Its not that uncommon.

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I believe there are a lot of GOP homosexuals, judging from remarks about Grindr posts around the GOP convention.

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blackmail is the currency of corruption

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don't really care what a couple of dudes do for each other as long as its not in the playground, but I see where you fear originates now. Sucks. I draw the line at Pride Month FFS and the desolation of perversion that is the gender-confusion psy-op, I would march the perpetrators to the wall. They are screwing gays along with everyone else. Cloward & Piven et. al. They've nearly got the normies voting for pedophilia. The commodification of innocence is a distinctly ---ish psy-op, easily exercised on people you have long ago classified as livestock. You need to do some critical thinking and a whole lot of reading and maybe try the road less traveled

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Oct 9
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I have never even voted for a democrat prior to this election. I've lost friends to the left and to the qanon conspiracy pipeline.

Maybe consider your prior assumptions.

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Oct 9
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least productive conversation i've ever had, congrats!

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Talk About blindness - The author misses every reason to never support Trump and Elon and blames the Left and Wokeness - What a pile of POO. Elon is a back-door immigrant. I come with money. please lock the door behind me.

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All very well said — there is no one the left treats worse than a former-Dem-turned-traitor. Remember — Trump was a Democrat most of his life!

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This is all true, but I’d add another simple reason, which is that boring people really hate interesting people.

Musk cracks jokes, he’s freewheeling, seems fun, is sometimes crude.

The opposite is someone like Adam Grant, who tweets nothing but inoffensive, say-nothing puff soliloquies. This is the kind of thing people expect from business leaders, and empty corporate speak reflects how they’re “supposed” to be. Seeing an executive who tells potty jokes absolutely enrages the boring npc masses who are told to hate him.

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It’s telling sir, that you don’t have time to respond to real, substantive arguments why musk is awful, and your audience has nothing but hollow laughter to keep themselves afloat in an ocean of lies and delusions.

I thought you might be more than just another grifter. If you are, I’d like to hear your thoughts on my other comment.

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Cloudworm, thanks for your response. I was a smidge off-topic. I didn't know Musk has autism, or did you mean Trump? Could be either or both I suppose. They definitely fly in the same vee. That explains one of the things I do like, abrupt and forthright. No eloquent forethought. Not always advantageous as many sophisticated rivals can leverage the hell out of that. But we have to remember Trump's of the Patrician class, been farting through silk his whole life, I think Elon is as well. I think those of us that have been hopeful are just so tired of the same old crowd of bandits and blood-sucking satanists with their stupid klingon costumes and ridiculous ideas for the rest of us.

You're right, the normies take their cues from his political rivals responding irresistibly to his ad-hominum needling. He goads them, it's wonderful because we can live a little vicariously. I know what I'd say to these vampires if only I had one tied to a chair. I prefer the information processing metaphor for people; normies are non-thinking, they are instead analagous to a router, they get firmware updates directly from the MSM. Very few are processors, capable of rationcination, known colloquially as "critical thinking". This may account for your observation of 'selective outrage', a simple router update gives the normies crucial instructions about what to feel, what to think and what to say in response to any given 'input' defined in their router tables. This is of course how they can all 'think the same thought' without breaking a sweat. Primitive SR black-box most of them. So in the final analysis, I see them all as automatons, programmed by an evil that never sleeps

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Have you been sticking your hand in dead bear carcasses? Because this comment makes you seem like you have literal brain worms or a CO2 leak in your house.

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I appreciate your well-written essay. I like everyone, want very badly for Musk to be genuine, but he is a creation of DARPA; the latest iteration of "the richest man in the world!" meme created by the deep state monsters in thrall to the goblins controlling most of the world, why and how?? well, "give me control of the money supply and ..... "

It was time for a refresh, Gates is old and crusty and everyone has used windows at least once, so everyone knows he's a useless POS . Seriously though, he's just another globalist parasite compromised by the pedos and a pedigreed eugenecist as a bonus. Then there's "...a little hard on the younger participants" zuckerburg, who lately looks as though his soul was sucked out through his eyes, clearly his first introduction to the rituals described by Bernard. So we will watch as the peasants are led to the abbatoir again; its a solemn time-honored ritual.

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Trump steps out of the bullet proof glass protection to let Elon speak! DON'T DO THAT Mr. PRESIDENT!!

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musk is a fraud just as trump is. he is weaseling into govt to benefit monetarily does he use his alleged wealth that is on paper only for the good of mankind or the planet? of course not.,

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Thanks for everything that you are doing. Thanks for this essay and yes, I agree. Musk is being attacked for not going along with the 'machine' & the globalist, totalitarian agenda, defending free speech and supporting Trump. I support them both and I hope that people have woken up, in the true sense of being awake, to the fact that we are in a battle to defend Western civilisaton from the tyranny of totalitarianism.

I Particularly enjoyed your interview with the brilliant Natasha and am in full support of Israel and the Jewish people around the world. Please do pass on our thanks and best wishes to her when you next speak.

By the way, I hope that you don't mind me giving a bit of feedback on your speaking style.

Being more natural as you were with Natasha works beautifully. The debate style, which of course worked well for the Oxford Union, more clipped and forced, is I reckon, best for debates rather than interviews and conversation. We, my husband and I, noticed that your style before the debate was always of the more natural kind, more authentic and relatable so, please just be yourself. ;-) Much love and many thanks xx Please have a look at my substack if you get time.

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I so wish they both were real but I just can't ignore the mountain of facts, in-your-face stuff -no reaching, showing they are both israel's bitches. In fact its shaping up to be another dream team for Israel, so , yeah, I expect to hear "nahhh the clintons are good people" and bomb bomb bomb Iran anytime now

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