WPATH FILES - Trans Scandal Exposed
Michael Shellenberger - The Winston Marshall Show
“What we’re dealing with here is one of the worst medical mistreatment scandals in human history…. And maybe the worst”
Journalist Michael Shellenberger sits down with me to dive into the recently published WPATH files.
What did Mia Hughes and the team at Environmental Progress discover in the leaked documents and videos from so-called "World Professional Association For Transgender Health"? The revelations of the report are horrific...
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I've had life experience of what is today called "gender dysphoria" (used to be "gender identity disorder") and it has been clear to me for a long time that there is a mental health social contagion amongst girls, who have come to believe that they have the "gender identity" of the opposite sex, and furthermore, that the narrative that cross-sex identification is a matter of a "gender identity" that is "trapped" in the wrong body is not the truth.
I have tried to convey all what I know about this topic in a short, referenced, memo:
It has been republished in part by an organisation called Genspect, who are witnessing this issue first-hand.