Francis Fukuyama’s famous 1989 essay ‘The End of History’ argued that we had come to “the the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government”
Fast-forward to 2023 and conservative parties are on the rise across Europe meanwhile large portions of the left have abandoned liberalism for identitarian progressivism. So it seems people are on mass voting against traditional liberalism.
What does the famous political theorist Fukuyama make of it all? Was he wrong all those years ago? In the globalist age are liberalism and nationalism reconcilable? What does it take to form a stable society in the secular age? Where has liberalism failed?
All this and more in a fascinating conversation with an esteemed guest.
another great interview by Winston. i did however disagree with about 90% of what the guest said
My more measured comment is “my thoughts exactly.” I came away from that interview wondering if FF and I lived in the same universe.